skin problems

美 [skɪn ˈprɑbləmz]英 [skɪn ˈprɒbləmz]
  • 皮肤不适
skin problemsskin problems
  1. Have you ever had any skin problems connected with exposure to the sun ?


  2. She 's been under the doctor for her skin problems .


  3. Did you happen to have any skin problems before ?


  4. Side effects of radiation therapy may include mild skin problems or fatigue .


  5. Your skin problems are caused by an allergy to wheat .


  6. Good for all skin problems with the treatment and prevention of internal and external maintenance .


  7. For skin problems German Chamomile seems to be the best .


  8. Getting your body 's systems working optimally is crucial to addressing skin problems .


  9. A low immune system means that a dog is more susceptible to viruses or skin problems .


  10. Even small amounst of these substances are known to cause skin problems .


  11. In12 , the family often have allergic skin problems , but also serious in nature .


  12. Compared with men , women are more likely to suffer skin problems from smoking , Xu said .


  13. He believes that oranges have a lot of vitamin C which can prevent cancer and skin problems .


  14. The watchdog found that some baby clothes contained chemicals that could cause skin problems , the newspaper said .


  15. Some Neapolitans are more susceptible to viruses or skin problems .


  16. Skin problems like acne and infections like chicken pox will also leave scars on various areas of the body .


  17. Bathing babies too often may cause skin problems such as eczema and rashes , experts warn .


  18. In spring , various skin problems may take place , such as dermatitis , psoriasis , eczema and urticaria .


  19. Workers complained about health and safety , including fire hazards , skin problems from chemicals and respiratory problems from dust , said Playfair .


  20. Today 's infants are twice as likely to suffer from skin problems than their parents , a British survey of2000 parents has found .


  21. The platform may be used to solve cellulite , help skin problems like psoriasis and xerosis , or house a long-lasting perfume .


  22. Besides , Gabriela advises wearing what you are comfortable in as well as cutting down on sugar to avoid further skin problems .


  23. Dark circles are one of the most common skin problems , and are often caused by tiny capillaries that leak blood beneath the surface of the skin .


  24. The survey found 37 per cent of baby boys and 33 per cent of baby girls had skin problems - more than double that of their parents ' generation .


  25. Xu Liping , a doctor at the Shanghai Time Plastic Surgery Hospital , said more than 80 percent of female out-patients who smoke complained of skin problems .


  26. Adhere to practice , not only to improve the external body , and can get rid of , including insomnia , hormonal imbalance caused by emotional problems , skin problems .


  27. AyuDerme treats a variety of skin problems , improves digestion , strengthens the liver and eliminates wastes and toxins from the colon and the kidneys .


  28. When the bell rang , a nasal buzzing sound , a gangly boy with skin problems and hair black as an oil slick leaned across the aisle to talk to me .


  29. While stress is mental , the symptoms of stress are mostly physical , such as skin problems , high blood pressure , fatigue , insomnia and frustration , etc.Physical exercise not only helps us reduce stress , but also keeps us fit .


  30. It outlined the category of anus sack , usage characteristics of different kinds and skin nursing problems of patients underwent enterostomy .
